Missional Corner
Circle of influence exercise
by Wayfinders
"Our circle of influence is made up of the people that are closest to us and the ones with whom our decisions are connected. By identifying the people that are in your circle of influence you can be more intentional in all of your relationships. Download our free worksheet to help you better know where you have influence!"
Neighborhood discovery walk
by Wayfinders
"This Neighborhood Discovery Walk is designed to open your heart and mind to the people in your apartment community and help you know how to serve them well. Some questions are for you to physically observe the answers. The next group of questions are for you to ask of the people who inhabit your neighborhood. Lastly, the third set of questions are for you to deeper analyze and take to God in prayer."
Faithful Presence
by David Fitch
"In Faithful Presence, noted pastor and scholar David Fitch offers a new vision for the witness of the church in the world. He argues that we have lost the intent and practice of the sacramental ways of the historic church, and he recovers seven disciplines that have been with us since the birth of the church. Through numerous examples and stories, he demonstrates how these revolutionary disciplines can help the church take shape in and among our neighborhoods, transform our way of life in the world, and advance the kingdom."
Happy Hour
by Hugh Halter
Hugh Halter calls us to rediscover the ancient art of party and to follow in the patterns of Jesus— redefining holiness not as exclusion from the world but as holy engagement with the world. Party is sacrament, and we must reorient our lives around friends, food, and celebration if we are to have any influence upon the culture right next door.